The next vent for new energy storage

2024-06-08 21:36:37

According to media reports, recently, the National Energy Administration issued the "Notice on Promoting New energy storage grid-connected and dispatching application" 

(hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), which put forward specific requirements for the functional positioning of new energy storage, continue to strengthen the management 

of new energy storage grid-connected operation, and improve the dispatching operation and market application mode of new energy storage.

Before the National Two Sessions of the government work report issued the "development of new energy storage" call, after the "Notice" to follow and print, sensitive people

 immediately smell a new "wind" : "volume king" frequent new energy storage may enter another broader track.

In recent years, new types of energy storage have mushroomed, giving people a strong sense of "growing up overnight". In detail, thanks to the good guidance of subsidy policies 

and the iron fist of "strong matching" policies.

However, no matter what kind of policy, is essentially a drastic medicine, the side effects are very obvious. Once subsidies "decline", it will cause the whole industry to "break the

embankment"; "Strong match" is actually "Lang match", the effect and effect is tantamount to encouraging, good intentions to do wrong, output is not pleasing.

The sunshine of these policies is projected on the new energy storage industry, and the sunny side is that the entire industry has expanded rapidly; On the dark side, there's a lot 

of rolling, a lot of wailing. Although a new type of energy storage is in the ascendency, premature maturity has led to premature aging, and the new type of energy storage has 

become exhausted.

It is a long way to go towards the goal of "dual carbon", and the construction of a new power system is imminent, and the new energy storage as an important part of the source 

network charge and storage, its role can not be underestimated. It has the dual characteristics of source and load, which can not only promote the consumption of new energy and 

maintain the stable operation of the power grid, but also may be used as an independent power supply to ensure supply.

Give full play to the role of new energy storage, it will produce the effect of a small weight. On the contrary, it becomes the last straw that breaks the camel's back, so that this 

emerging business form "dies before it starts", prematurely pulls up the curtain and hastily ends.

In the past two years, the new energy storage in the tuyere has advanced rapidly, but the wind has left a dust. It is said that no snowflake is innocent in an avalanche. 

The reshuffle has begun, and companies obsessed with taking the technical route are trying to kill a bloody road through technological innovation and product upgrades. 

And many more are watching in the wind, waiting for the opportunity.

In fact, the road taken by the technical schools is high, far, and long. Only by iterating and upgrading in practice can we walk out of a new Chinese-style development path of 

energy storage.

There are signs that the next outlet for new energy storage is the "market"!

Just like growing children, parents are always worried that they will make mistakes and fall, so they refuse to let go, and the result is counterproductive.

 For photovoltaic power generation, new energy storage and other emerging formats, the relevant decision-makers have the same heart, the same reason, the love of pity, money

 and output, bless its growth.

It is true that at the beginning of the development of new energy storage, it is necessary to use the hand of policy to help the horse and send a journey, but as the new energy 

storage continues to develop and grow, it should be allowed to experience wind and rain and grow independently. Otherwise, it will lead to salvation and backfire.

Dialectically, deepening the reform of electricity market is the "way" of healthy development of emerging business forms, and the idea of advancing with "technology flow" is 

ultimately difficult to escape the "technique" pattern. Moreover, the system design is orderly and can be implemented immediately; The future of technological breakthroughs is 

uncertain and uncertain.

Some experts said that since the reform and opening up, China's success is the success of market-oriented reform. The key to improving benign expectations is to unswervingly 

continue to promote the reform of marketization, rule of law and internationalization, and provide more solid institutional support for the market to play a decisive role in resource

 allocation with a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system.

You can tell the whole story by looking at it. Observing the electricity market reform from the development of new energy storage, it will be found that there are still many vacuum areas 

in the "electricity reform". Broad "space", great achievements, therefore, we must spare no effort to comprehensively and deeply promote the reform of the power market, 

with the market mechanism to promote the development of new energy storage, to promote the development of photovoltaic, wind power based emerging formats.