Fast charging era of battery companies "race"

2024-06-12 09:31:32

In the industry chain of new energy vehicles, battery technology has always been the core of competition. As consumers' requirements for charging speed and range continue to increase, 

fast charging technology has become a trend in the development of the industry.

Since the beginning of this year, many battery companies have appeared and launched their own fast charging battery products. This change not only brings new technology research 

and development direction and business growth point for battery companies, but also brings more convenient replenishment experience for downstream users.

At the Beijing Auto Show, Ningde Times launched the Shenxing battery PLUS, which can achieve a 10-minute recharge of 600km, greatly shortening the user's waiting time; 

The ultra-fast charging technology of Xinwanda's new generation of flash charging batteries makes the battery charging speed several times higher than that of traditiona

batteries, and the charging peak rate reaches 6C, and it takes only 10 minutes to charge to 80% SOC. The new products applied to PHEV models brought by Rupu Lanjun,

its "ask top" PHEV series battery accelerates the lithium-ion transmission speed, so that the battery has 2-4C super fast charging capability;

At the CIBF2024 held in Chongqing, China Innovation Airshow showed the latest "top flow" product under the minimalist design concept of OS - "top flow" cylindrical battery, 

which can achieve 6C+ fast charge with an energy density of 300Wh/kg. Lanjun New Energy brings 324Ah power cell, through high safety, ultra-fast charging, long cycle all-round 

innovation, improve its energy density, cycle life at the same time to strengthen the cell fast charging capacity.

The accelerated popularity of fast-charging batteries is also a huge boon for downstream users. In the past, the charging problem of new energy vehicles has been one of the 

bottlenecks restricting their development. Due to the slow charging speed and insufficient number of charging piles, many users are faced with the problem of replenishing energy 

anxiety when using new energy vehicles.

Today, fast charging batteries have become a major direction of industry technology development, with the popularity of fast charging batteries, users can complete the charge in 

a shorter time, greatly improving the convenience of using new energy vehicles. At the same time, fast charging technology can also reduce the user's charging cost, improve 

charging efficiency, and further promote the popularization and penetration of new energy vehicles.

It is worth noting that the charging network, which is complementary to the fast charging battery, is also gradually improved.

On the one hand, the government has increased investment in the construction of charging infrastructure, encouraging and supporting enterprises to build more charging piles 

and charging stations. At the same time, the government has also introduced a series of policy measures to promote the interconnection and intelligent management of charging 

facilities, and improve the use efficiency and service quality of charging facilities.

On the other hand, charging operators have also actively responded to market demand, increased investment, and accelerated the construction and layout of charging facilities. 

From battery companies to car companies, Ningde Times, NiO, Tesla, Xiaopeng companies have accelerated the construction of domestic charging piles.

In the era of fast charge, for the power battery industry chain, it has also brought about the accelerated application and development of new materials and new technologies. 

In the development and production process of fast charging batteries, more advanced materials and technologies need to be used to improve the energy density, charging speed 

and safety of batteries. The application of these new materials and technologies not only promotes the progress and upgrading of lifepo4 battery technology, but also brings 

new development opportunities for the entire power battery industry chain.

For example, in terms of materials, new positive electrode materials, negative electrode materials and electrolytes continue to emerge, and LIFSI electrolyte, Li-rich manganese and 

silicon-based negative electrode technologies are increasingly mature and perfect.

These new materials have higher energy density, better charge-discharge performance and higher safety, and can meet the material performance requirements of fast charging batteries.

In terms of technology, intelligent charging technology and wireless charging technology have also been rapidly developed and applied. These new technologies can improve the 

intelligent level and convenience of charging, and provide users with a better charging experience.

The advent of the fast charging era has brought new development opportunities for battery companies and the new energy automobile industry. In the battery enterprises continue 

to increase research and development investment, and continue to improve their own technical level and innovation ability, will also further open the growth of the new energy market 
